Statistics Calculations

Item Sector Function

Date Period

Specify the date range for which you want to search for statistical information, within the current location.

Total number of incidents for the specified period.

The number displayed is the total number of entries added in Incidents for the current location, and which occurred in the specified time period.

The graph shows the same data but for the previous three months.

Lost Time Injuries

Total number of all cases of Lost Time injury/disease which were recorded.

This data is collated from the Incident classification field within the AS1885 section of Incident | Details tab. Alternatively, if AS1885 tables are not being used, it will use the Incident Type field instead. Whichever data source is used, the number shows the total LTIs.

The graph shows the same data but for the previous three months.

Last Incident

Number of days since the last incident.

This will look at the Occurred Date of all incidents (within Incident | Details tab) that have been entered for this location, and find the most recent date for this calculation.


Total number of hazards for the specified period.

The number displayed is the total number of entries added in Hazards for the current location, and which occurred in the specified time period.

The graph shows the same data but for the previous three months.

Incidence Rate


The incidence rate is the number of occurrences of injury/disease for each one hundred workers employed.

Formula = (Number of occurrences of lost time injury or disease in the period x 100) divided by (Average number of workers who worked in the period)

This is based on calculations from AS 1885.1-1990.

Last LTI

Number of days since the last LTI incident.

This looks at the Occurred date of the last incident with a Lost Time injury (as specified in Incident Classification or Incident Type) and calculates how many days since that incident.


Total number of selected leave records for the specified period.

This totals the number of all employee leave records of a specific type - generally sick leave and annual leave.

(Note that criteria for leave type is set in HR3pay.)

Average Time Lost Rate


The average time lost rate is the average time lost per occurrence of injury/disease.

Formula = (Total number of working days lost in the period) divided by (Number of occurrences of lost time injuries or illness in the period)

This rate looks at all the Incident occurrences which included Lost Time hours (in Incidents | Actions)

This is based on calculations from AS 1885.1-1990.

Compensation Claims

Total number of Compensation Claims

This totals the number of incidences with compensation claims, during the date period specified.


Total number of RTW actions based on OHS incident actions.

This data is collated from the Type field within Incident | Actions tab | Details tab and the number displays the total.

The graph shows the same data but for the previous three months.

LTI Freq Rate


This is the number of occurrences of Lost Time Injury/disease for each one million hours worked.

Formula = (Number of occurrences of lost time injury or disease in the period x 1 million) divided by (Total number of hours worked in the period (including overtime etc.))

This is based on calculations from AS 1885.1-1990.

MTI Freq Rate


This is the number of occurrences of Medically Treated Injuries for each one million hours worked.

Formula = (Number of occurrences of medically treated injuries in the period x 1 million) divided by (Total number of hours worked in the period (including overtime etc.))

This is based on calculations from AS 1885.1-1990.

Medically Treated Injuries

Total number of Medically Treated Injuries

This totals the number of incidences with the relevant Incidence Type, during the date period specified.

Custom LTI Frequency Rate

Total number of occurrences of Lost Time Injury/disease for each [number of hours specified by you/Administrator].

As per LTIFR, however your organisation may set your own number of hours worked. Therefore, formula = (Number of occurrences of lost time injury or disease in the period x [custom hours]) divided by (Total number of hours worked in the period (including overtime etc.))

Custom MTI Frequency Rate

Total number of occurrences of Medically Treated Injuries for each [number of hours specified by your organisation].

As per MTIFR, however your organisation may set your own number of hours worked. Therefore, formula = (Number of occurrences of medically treated injuries in the period x [custom hours]) divided by (Total number of hours worked in the period (including overtime etc.))

Restricted Work Case Incidents

Total number of Restricted Work Case (RWC) Incidents

This totals the number of incidences specified with the RWC Incident Type, during the date period specified.

High Potential Injuries

Total number of High Potential Injuries (HPI) Incidents

This totals the number of incidences specified with the HPI Incident Type, during the date period specified.

Near Miss Incidents

Total number of Near Miss Incidents

This totals the number of incidences specified with the RWC Incident Type, during the date period specified.

Total Recordable Case Freq. Rate Total number of occurrences of Recordable Cases for each [number of hours specified by you/Administrator].

As per LTIFR, however your organisation may set your own number of hours worked.

Therefore, formula = (Number of Medically Treated Injuries + Restricted Word Cases + Lost Time Injuries) x [custom hours]) divided by (Total number of hours worked in the period (including overtime etc.))

High Potential Injury Freq. Rate Total number of occurrences of High Potential Injuries for each [number of hours specified by you/Administrator].

As per LTIFR, however your organisation may set your own number of hours worked.

Therefore, formula = (Number of High Potential Incidents x [custom hours]) divided by (Total number of hours worked in the period (including overtime etc.))


Examples of Calculations

This is provided for your information and understanding only – you are not required to perform these calculations as the system does this for you. Note that each formula is generated from the Australian Standard (AS1885) for Workplace Injury and Disease Recording.


Incidence Rate: The number of Lost Time Injuries divided by the number of workers paid in the reporting period – ordinary hours, overtime hours, but no leave included. This is multiplied by 100, to indicate a ‘per 100 workers’ rate.


LTI Frequency Rate: The number of occurrences of Lost Time Injuries for each one million hours worked.


Average Time Lost Rate: This is the average time lost per occurrence of injury/disease. Lost Time data is generated from the entries in Incidents | Actions.


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